Friday, March 23, 2012

Let's Talk Math

My school district has adopted the Common Core Standards. We are in the process of  fully implementing the standards. The process includes lots of training. Some of the training is at a district level and some of the training is at our school site.

Our staff development meeting this past week was on the Mathematical Standards for Mathematical Practice. During this meeting we were given a math problem to solve. We discussed how we got our solutions and why we used specific strategies. We talked about our own mathematical practices as we went thru the process of solving the problem and sharing our solutions.

Proficient students should be able to justify their mathematical reasoning and solutions, communicate to others, and even argue their position. They need to reason abstractly and make sense of quantities and their relationships in solving mathematical problems.

As primary teachers we're always trying to find ways to bring conceptual understanding to the level of our students. How do we break it down so they can understand? What does mathematical reasoning look like at a kindergarten, first grade, or second grade level?

We were introduced to this book at our staff meeting:

Our district will be using it for some of the training for early elementary. The book instructs teachers in how to promote classroom conversations and discussions related to mental math problems. The teacher is the facilitator and uses questioning to help learners build understanding. Video clips are included for specific grades.

This book is a definite read for me. It includes sections specific to first grade and early primary. You can read more about it here.

I'd love to hear of any other math resource books you use related to Mathematical Standards for Mathematical Practice.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I found your blog through the "linky" :) Im your newest follower!! Hope you'll stop by my blog:)


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